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Helpful tips on how you can position yourself, by faith, to encounter the fulfillment of seeing God do more according to what is written in Ephesians 3:20.

The content of this post is inspired from a conversation shared with my sister Christmas morning this past Monday, December 25th and was confirmed by a conversation I had Thursday, December 27th with a former client when we met to discuss how life had been progressing for each of us since I supported their journey of moving towards their Better Place over two years ago. Thinking of what is written in Ephesians 3:20 and understanding what I had been journaling and expressing in my heart with God through prayer and meditation I simply mentioned to my sister we should have a desire to see more in 2019 and believe God for more.

Two days later I met a former client for an early evening get together and we each took turns sharing how our lives had progressed this past year. While we talked my client enthusiastically mentioned her desire to see more in 2019, but not in terms of quantity of things. I mentioned to her my understanding that before God brought the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham mentioned in Genesis 12:1-3, He first changed both Abram and Sarai's names to Abraham and Sarah, which I mentioned was an indicator their change in identity came before their change in circumstances and outcome of their faith. In our life today, change in identity would be a transformation away from our old ways of thinking and habits into resembling more consistently the person and character of Jesus Christ. This is what I believe is being referred to in Ephesians 3:20. Let's take a look closer:

'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.' - Ephesians 3:20 NIV

God is able to do more is what is written at the beginning of this passage. God does more according to His power. The 'more' God does is directly related to His power. The key part of this passage is the ending, 'at work within us.' The more God desires to do, according to His power, occurs when we allow His power 'to work within us.' So this also means the 'more' God desires to do is not something outside of us. God doesn't need us to do something outside of us. God is omnipotent or all powerful. The real work of faith and evidence of God's power is in the work of His Spirit within us changing and transforming us to live, thrive, and triumph, even in the midst of dark difficult moments. This means beginning with an intentional initiative to display self-discipline to spend quality quiet time with God and self-control in living according to what His word teaches. By doing this we will see the shift of more of God's power to help us that will result in an eventual transformation in the self-discipline and self-control (character of Christ) that results in change and eventually a more fulfilling lifestyle void of the old habits and thought patterns that hindered us in the past.

In practical terms 'God's power at work within us' looks like this:

1) Consistent quality quiet time spent in prayer, journaling, and listening to hear God's voice

2) Consistent quality quiet time devoted to reading the Bible

3) Consistent quality quiet time journaling about what you read and meditating on understanding it

4) Consistency in living according to what the word of God requires

5) Being intentional about #1-4 consistently (it's not about being perfect but consistent)

6) Identifying areas of life that could benefit from help from God

7) Using wisdom from God's word to get help from God's power to improve areas identified

8) If you believe this identify 1 of the 7 aspects of life below you and invite God's help

9) Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Financial, Relational, & Professional

If you desire to see results but don't think you can progress on your own, let's connect and consider using my coaching service to help you get started! I believe God wants you to experience more in 2019 and I am willing to help you move towards your Better Place.

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