Tips on how to have a successful school year
Cortland Jones is an author, speaker, coach, grant writer, and visionary using words and his passion for teaching to reach people of all ages with messages of empowerment, entrepreneurship, and self-actualization. Cortland is the author of Out of the Darkness: A Journey into the Marvelous Light, an enlightening book that explores God’s plan, purpose, and the lifestyle experienced when one walks by faith. His latest book, Red Yellow Green was written as a parent-focused companion to his son Isaiah's debut book Red Yellow Green: Insights on Dating for Teens.
Cortland is also the founder and CEO of a non-profit organization called The Better Place, Inc. Through his own brand and The Better Place, he strives to better lives through personal and business coaching, after-school activities, presentations, and working with the community and schools to boost literacy and the entrepreneurial spirit in both adults and youth.
Cortland is a retired educator with over 30 years of experience as a teacher, and 13 years of experience in facilitating classroom management workshops, Cortland has shown a passion and commitment to supporting schools and education. He was awarded the ACE Educator Award in 2015. He currently facilitates workshops for youth as aspiring authors and on learning to T.H.R.I.V.E. in being positive contributors to self, home, school, and community. He has also established a partnership with the Howard County Arts Council teaching youth about cartooning and professional book publishing.
His mission is to spread the Gospel of Christ and encourage others to grow businesses and better themselves while making an impact on education, families, and readers.
Cortland has appeared on television, including Let's Talk Live DC, Fox 5 DC, Wake Up Washington, and Great Day Washington as well as several digital series.